Henry Fonda Tea Rose

Henry Fonda Tea Rose
My Special Rose

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Anniversary Song


Nancy Simpson said...

Hello Carole, Your blog is getting better and more colorful each day. Who knew when we stat there in the bog class that we would have our names up in lights.

I look forward now to seeing your stories and poems and your personal essays about writing, life and what you see from the WINDOW OF YOUR GEORGIA MOUNTAIN HOME.

I was touched when I read that this is the real home
for you after traveling and moving many times with your husband yjr years when he was in the service,

Some of the first poems I wrote were from that same feeling of finding home after being in exile most of my life. The mountains call some of us, I believe. One of my old lines is, "Trees wave. They knew I was coming."

Brenda Kay Ledford said...


Your blog looks great. The photo of you and your husband is very nice. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary.