Henry Fonda Tea Rose

Henry Fonda Tea Rose
My Special Rose

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank you for visiting my new blog!

Today was so beautiful in our part of the world, with Fall colors reaching their peak against the October blue sky. North Georgia and Western North Carolina are blessed beyond measure with natural beauty. Is it no wonder that we who write poems and stories are given so much inspiration just by the very fact of living in the protective custody of these gentle mountains. Even those of us who weren't born here want to send down deep roots into this rocky soil, hoping to strike a permanent kinship. Even the oldest and crudest homes here take on a beauty of their own. One day soon I'll share a poem I wrote about about a little house, just about on its last "legs", and the occupant, quite ancient herself. But not today--today I just want to give you a warm welcome to my blog.